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Letter of Thanks To Beijing Huafu Engineering Co., Ltd.

To Beijing Huafu Engineering Co., Ltd.


First and foremost, we would like to extend our sincere praise and gratitude to your team and all members of the project group!Through our cooperation in the development of transformation process technology, the design diagnosis of the LNG co-production synthetic ammonia process, and the improvement of the entire production process safety instrument system, your design team has demonstrated the professional standards and dedication that are expected of them. In particular, the process engineer, Engineer Ma Ba Tong, and the piping engineer, Engineer Zhao Yingjian, have carefully studied and conducted field surveys in response to the technical modification proposals put forward by our company. Through continuous communication and refinement from both sides, a high-quality design outcome that meets the project requirements has been achieved.At the same time, your project manager, Manager Yu Bo, led the design team to be stationed on site, sharing the urgency of the project and actively coordinating to solve various problems in accordance with the actual situation on the ground, ensuring the smooth progress of the project engineering. Your hard work has laid a solid foundation for the successful start-up and production of the project, and through the diagnosis of the process flow, the inherent safety of the entire production system has been realized.

Once again, we thank you and all members of the project group for your efforts and contributions. We look forward to more opportunities for cooperation in the future, and together, let us create even more brilliant achievements!

Best regards,

Ningxia Yu Chemical Co., Ltd.

January 12, 2024


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