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The Xinjiang Guotai Phase I Project includes a 200,000 TPY coal-to-syngas synthetic methanol unit and a 20,000 Nm³/h Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) hydrogen production unit.


Huafu Company independently designed and undertook the general contracting for the first phase of the coal-based fine chemical circular economy industrial park in Xinjiang Guotai Xinhua Mining Industry Zhundong Economic and Technological Development Zone. The project includes a 200,000 tons/year coal-to-syngas synthetic methanol unit and a 20,000 Nm³/h PSA hydrogen production unit. The gasification unit employs water-cooled wall technology, which is an advanced technology in China.

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3rd Floor, Yanke Building, No. 26 Yong'an Road, Changping District, Beijing
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